
APIC Houston Chapter 006 is an official chapter of the international organization known as Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology (APIC), based in Washington, DC.

The Houston Chapter 006 was founded in the late 1970's by a group of dedicated Houston healthcare workers sometimes called Infection Control Nurses or Infection Control Officers.

APIC is a multidisciplinary and voluntary international organization whose purpose is to improve health by serving the needs and aims common to all disciplines that are united by infection control and epidemiology activities.

APIC Houston is committed to improving patient care, preventing adverse outcomes and minimizing occupational hazards associated with the delivery of healthcare.


·       To direct, support and improve the practice and management of infection control and the application of epidemiology

·       To position APIC Houston as a leader in the practice of infection control and application of epidemiology

·       To ensure that APIC Houston mission is supported by its resources and activities


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